Monday, September 19, 2016

Maltodextrin & Why You Should Not Use It.

Maltodextrin is a highly processed corn product (most of the time).  I believe that nobody should be using the stuff unless you want to look like an offensive line-man for the Chicago Bears.  Most sports nutrition experts will recommend maltodextrin based on their hypothesis that it raises insulin levels in the blood to cause a more anabolic condition in the body, thus creating more muscle growth.  I, on the other hand believe this recommendation is comes from the birth of higher profits through the sales of their products such as weight gainers and meal replacement powders.

Back in 1998 when I started my business and I began to customize protein powders and other food powders, I had maltodextrin, dextrose, and fructose as my choice of carb products that my customers could use in their powders.  Whether they wanted to create a meal replacement powder or weight gain powder, the ONLY choices of carbs were these highly processed corn products.  There was nothing else to chose from.  Because of this, the consumer had no choice but to consume a product that was made to spike their insulin levels very high in the body.

Typically when I make a custom formula for someone, I would use about 40% maltodextrin in a meal replacement powder.  This would give someone about 40 grams of carbs and about 50 grams of protein.  The powder would mix well and taste very good.  As you might know this already but corn products taste very good.  Not only that but its cheap.  So not only would my customer be getting a custom meal replacement powder, but it would be very inexpensive.  Also the powder did not have any sugar in it.  Why?  Because even though maltodextrin spikes your insulin level very high, it does not have any sugar.  Thus the unsuspected consumer would think they were doing their body good.

Goodness, however, was not being partaken in.  Back in 1998, everyone thought that corn powders such as maltodextrin and dextrose were the ideal carb powders to use.  They believed this because that is what was these large corporate food companies wanted you to believe.  "Oh yes, drink huge quantities of our process carb powder, and you'll replenish your glycogen quickly and get quick boosts of energy," was typically the marketing cheer.  What they did not tell you was that you'd CRASH dramatically from the rapid drop in insulin.  You'll also shut down any chance to burn body fat and increase fat stores.  Forget that our products are probably related to the high rat of obesity and diabetes in this country as well.

This is where my conspiracy theory comes into play.  For I believe that all of the studies conducted on maltodextrin and dextrose in relationship to sports nutrition recovery are based on pushing these products in a positive light by saying the replenish glycogen quickly and result in quick energy ect, just to simply sell more product.  For the big food corporations, and supplement companies know one thing.

[clickToTweet tweet="Make it cheap, make it taste good, and you'll sell the shit out of it. " quote="Make it cheap, make it taste good, and you'll sell the shit out of it. "]

That is exactly what happened when EAS, can out with a powder called Myoplex.  Myoplex was simply a maltodextrin, whey protein, creatine powder with some vitamins.  A very simple formula to say the least.  I would make this formula all the time when I was customizing protein.  Again I would recommend to my customers that would call for customization help.  50% Maltodextrin, 40% whey protein, 10% protein and enhance it with vitamins and minerals.  Again it would be a lot cheaper than Myoplex that you could buy at GNC.  EAS essentially created the first meal replacement powder but instead of it making you lean, it would get you fat because of the maltodextrin.  However, everyone thought it was the next best thing since sliced bread because they sold the hell out it and Bill Phillips the owner of EAS became a millionaire.


Ninety-nine percent of supplement companies simply copy other companies products and marketing materials, so obviously they copied EAS Myoplex.  And they copied the formula they best they could, simply using maltodextrin and dextrose.  Next thing you knew maltodextrin was a hit.

Maltodextrin became a huge hit in weight gainers.  Common sense tells you that why would maltodextrin be used in a weight gainer but at the same time be used in a meal replacement powder.  To this day supplement companies that make weight gainers, meal replacemetn powder, and even weight loss formula will use maltodextrin as the carb source.  The weight loss formulas are the biggest joke.  I've seen weight loss formula use soy protein as the protein source an dfructose and maltodextrin as the carb source.  for these supplement companies know that most people do not read the fine print (ingredients) and simply just look at the nutrition facts.  The buyer will see 15 grams of protein, 10 grams of carbs, 0 grams of sugar.  And upon tasting it.  AWESOME!! sold!  These formulas are horrible to use.

As I became more knowledgeable about maltodextrin and its impact on the body, I looked for an alternative for my company.  And wouldn't you know it, nothing to be found.  Not one single stinking carbohydrate powder that I could purchase in bulk to make custom meal replacement powders with.  All you had available was maltodextrin, dextrose, and fructose.  Being the entrepreneur that I am, I began to research the best carbohydrates for building lean muscle.  If you google this you'll find that oats is one of the holy grails of carbs when it comes to bodybuilding and putting on lean mass while losing body fat.  Therefore I set out to create the first oat powdered carbohydrate.

First I went after the obvious, oat flour.  However, upon experimenting with the oat flour and looking at the nutrition facts, I knew that if I used this product it would be a big disappointment to my customers.  First oat flour does not mix at all with a spoon.  In fact, it barely mixes with a blender.  Oat flour is made for baking, not for making into a drink.  If you tried to mix oat flour all you would get is a mud-like, clumpy, disgusting mixture that you couldn't drink.  Also it was very high in fiber which would cause a lot of digestive issues with a lot of people.  Not for the people that have constipation problems obviously but for most people, oat flour would cause a big problem.  Therefore I knew that oat flour was out of the question.

On a side note, many companies use oat flour today because they are trying to copy me but cannot figure out how I do it.  The biggest whey protein company in the world, Optimum Nutrition I believe sells a product called Oats and Whey.  It is a big JOKE in my opinion.  And at the same time a compliment because imitation is the best form of flattery.

oats and whey

Look how they use oat flour....and sugar!!  lmao!!

oats and whey2

It looks like Optimum Nutrition tried to change their formula...they replaced "sugar" with evaporated cane juice, and added Honey....this is just a marketing trick.  I took this off the intrawebs.

oats and whey 3

I cannot tell you the details of how I created the product that we now sell called Oatmuscle, but I can tell you that I did successfully create the world's first powder carbohydrate that was not made from corn, was not maltodextrin, dextrose, or corn starch.

The product is phenomenal.  It mixes so easily with a spoon with zero clumping.  Not only that but it tastes remarkably good.  It has a slightly sweet taste to it because it does contain natural sugars coming from the oats.  However, nothing is added, and it does not go through a harsh hydrolyzed/acid process like maltodextrin and dextrose.


Live Stream: Maltodextrin Sucks & Why You Should Avoid In

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Bench Press Calculator

The Bench Press Calculator is very simple, just select the weight you pressed and for how many reps and it will calculate your approximate 1 Rep Max. This number from the bench press calculator can be used for exercise programs that require you to do 8 reps at 85% max for example or just for personal knowledge. Use this number to see how your gainz improve as you continue lifting, for an added boost, check out ProteinFactory supplements!

Live Stream: Myostatin Inhibitor Supplements | Where To Buy Them

Friday, September 9, 2016

The Best Video On Protein You'll Ever Watch

This is video is going to blow your mind away.  This is the best video on protein I have ever watched.   If you are using protein powder to build muscle, stop reading and start watching this video NOW!  Then after you watch the video, get some of my Heliogen Casein now.

This video is by a person named Jerry Brainum.  He's your new best friend.  He has a website as well.  I suggest you sign up for his newsletter.

I would describe is as a super-hero of the supplement industry.

The post The Best Video On Protein You'll Ever Watch appeared first on Proteinfactory.

Live Stream: Talking Ursolic Acid Supplements

Monday, September 5, 2016

Where To Look To Buy Ostarine

Looking for Ostarine buy? Well, you can buy it online with a simple Google search.  However, the problem is with trying to buy Ostarine online is that it is illegal.  And being that it is illegal most likely you are going to be getting ripped off in two ones.  One you'll be buying Ostarine that does not even have Ostarine in it.  Or two you'll be buying an Ostarine product that contains far less the dose it is supposed to contain, cross-contaminated with something else or another SARM, or maybe it contains an entirely differently product.  The SARMS industry is completely unregulated and totally in the grey, underground market.  According to the FDA, using SARMS in a dietary supplement is against the

According to the FDA, using SARMS in a dietary supplement is against the law

herefore if you see any company selling the SARM Ostarine in a "supplement looking" bottle like this one.  Believe it or not, this is illegal. SARMS are not dietary supplements, so they can be manufactured in the grey market.  The grey market means that most likely these SARMS are made in someone's home basement or in some obscure warehouse in Camden NJ.

However, as you can clearly see, even though the FDA considers it illegal, that does not stop people from selling it.

To begin with,  the word Ostarine is a brand name for the compound enobosarm.  The company that trademarked the word "Ostatrine" is this company,

That makes me question, "How are companies using this product if it is patented?"

As a supplement manufacturing expert, I'm qualified to tell you there are certain regulatory steps that a supplement company must take in order to legally manufacture a supplement.

Here are some of the steps required by the FDA to make dietary supplements according to the Code of Federal Regulations 111's for dietary supplements.  These are also the steps that my company takes when we manufacture a dietary supplement.  Granted this is a very simple way of explaining it, but it gives you a general idea of just what we do to validate that what we are saying is on the label is in the bottle.

Secondly, the SARMS that these companies are using are NOT being made in the United States.  If they were, than the company that owns the patented and the tradmark name Ostarine woud be going after them.  Which means these SARMS powders are probably being brought in from China.  And we can give a big thanks to Jack Ma from for allowing us to easily find SAMRS, like Ostarine buy at such incredibly low prices.  Thanks JACK!! Next in the manufacturing of these grey SARMS products is the importation.  I can tell you from experience that Ostarine is imported illegally.  If an FDA agent at the customs clearance building seized this product there is not a chance in hell that they are releasing it.  Now maybe the ONLY change is if the company importing it somehow convinced them it was for some research and development tests.  But I highly doubt it.

Let us now assume that the company that is selling SARMS has successfully imported it from China.  They somehow snuck it through customs and now they need to make the stuff.

As I have explained above, when we manufacture dietary supplements here we TEST to make sure what Alzchem sent us it ACTUALLY creatine.  This is also federal regulation.  A company cannot just assume that what an ingredient supplier sent them is what they asked for.  The company putting it their finished product to sell to you as creatine, must validate that what they sent is ACTUALLY what they got.  This is called an identity test.

Thus are these companies that are making SARMS like Ostarine buy doing the identity tests?  I highly doubt it.

However, let's give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they did perform an identity test and everything positively identified their Ostarine SARM as truly Ostarine.  Next the product has to be actually made or manufactured.  Typically this involves things like scales, mixing equipment, and whatever else is commonly needed to manufacture.  Keep in mind all of these things are also highly regulated by the FDA in the Code of Federal Regulations 111's for Dietary supplements.  For the scales, they have to be calibrated and by a qualified person and it has to be scheduled and logged into the standard operating manual.  The mixing equipment, that also has to be approved, cleaned a certain way, and operated in a way as to not contribute to cross-contamination of other products.  These SARMS products are powerful chemicals and of course you would not want any cross-contamination happening.  Next, the formulations of these SARM products like Ostarine buy.  My company has a standard operating manual which holds the master manufacturing records of all of our products that we make.  When products are being made, my employees that are making these products follow the batch records to make sure they are making it properly.

Do all of these companies that are selling SARMS, like Ostarine, have batch records and master manufacturing records?  I highly doubt it.

Now let's assume that the "research" company selling SARMS is following all the regulations to make SARMS products.  They are testing, validating, they have records, lot numbers, employees are qualified, and now they have the finished product and it is ready to be sold to you.

Federal regulation requires that BEFORE a product is released into commerce that it is again tested to make sure what is on the label is in the bottle.  Typically my company will quarantine our dietary supplements, like protein powder, until the 3rd party lab tests come back validating what is on the label in in the bottle.  This process should be done with all SARM products like Ostarine buy.  But again, because this is a grey market, I highly doubt anyone of this is getting done by these manufacturers.

In conclusion, the SARM market is completely underground.  No company can legitimately operate a SARM business.  Most of the online sites that I have found selling Ostarine buy operate as "research chemical" companies.  These companies do this in hopes that this will give them immunity or something along those sort of lines in the eyes of the federal government.  SARMS are not illegal to possess, I don't think.  Therefore you can sell them on your website but you cannot sell them as dietary supplements.  In the past, some companies that sell supplements tried to add SARMS to their product line up, but most of them have disappeared, I would guess out of fear of being federally prosecuted or fear of being sued by someone that bought their product.  Regardless these "tactics" that these companies selling SARMS are using are useless.  Anyone can sue anyone for anything.  Lawsuits are already being conducted.  I believe a company sued Ironman Labs for selling SARMS in federal court.  Supposedly the judge threw out the lawsuit because the judge felt that the product was not a dietary supplement therefore the trial could not be heard.  I don't know the full details, but the fact of the matter is that is you sell SARMS, in any which way or form, someone or some company can potentially sue you.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Cheap Whey Protein

Buying cheap whey protein is a bad idea.  Ever hear of the saying, "What get what you pay for".  Well nothing can be closer to the truth than this statement.  The sports nutrition industry is one of the most "dirty" industries in the world.  I say this because, most of the time, the supplements that you buy do not meet label claim.  Not only do they not meet label claim, but the supplement companies selling these supplements typically "short-change" their products to expand their profits.  On top of that they flat out lie to you in their marketing and tell you its high-quality, lab-tested, GMP manufactured, and contains everything they say it does on the label and more.

Protein powder is a commodity.  Whey protein, in particular, is a dairy product, it comes from cows, which produce milk, which cheese is made from, and then whey protein is made from the cheese.  Every company that manufacturers whey protein produces it at the same cost as other whey protein manufacturers.  Thus generally, all whey proteins that are sold at GNC,, and wherever else are the same price.  These prices are all a result from what it costs the whey protein producers to obtain the way from the dairy cows.  Do not confuse a whey protein manufacturer with a supplement company selling whey protein; they are completely different.  A whey protein manufacturer actually "makes" the whey protein from cheese.  Then they'll filter the liquid whey, into a very high protein content, and then send it through a process to turn it into a powder.  Some whey protein manufacturers are.

1)  Glanbia

2) Davisco Foods

3) Land o Lakes

4) Milk Specialities

5) Hilmar Ingredients

These companies above sell to the supplement companies that sell YOU the whey protein.  And they all produce the whey protein at the same cost.  For example, today's date is August 15th, 2016 and if I called up each one of these manufacturers above and asked them the cost of their instant whey protein concentrate 80%, they would quote me about $3.00 per pound.  If I called them up and asked them their cost of their instant whey protein isolate 90%, they would quote me about $5.00 per pound.  Again whey protein is a commodity, so the prices are generally the same across the board.  Therefore looking for a cheap whey protein that is considerly "less" dollars than another whey protein is not likely going to happen.

However, if it does happen, you can be sure that their is something, "just not right" with this whey protein powder.

[clickToTweet tweet="Here are the top 7 reasons why, if you do find cheap whey protein, that you should not buy it." quote="Here are the top 7 reasons why, if you do find cheap whey protein, that you should not buy it."]

1)  It's short on protein.  This is the most obvious.  If you are that nieve to buy a cheap whey protein below market price, thinking what is on the label for protein grams is in the bottle, then I have a bridge to sell you.  Don't be a fool.

2) It's spiked.  Protein spiking, even though exposed years ago, is still alive and kicking.  The FDA did nothing or made no adjustments to the Code of Federal Regulations for Dietary Supplements 111's to make it illegal to use protein spiking ingredients.  Protein spiking is a way for supplement companies to reduce their costs for their whey protein BELOW market prices and expand their profits or sell it at a lower price than everyone else.

3)  It's not whey protein.  How do you even know it is whey protein?  Are you a protein expert?  Do you have lab equipment at home to verify that it is whey protein?  No, you don't and believe me this is going on right now.  Supplement companies use milk protein concentrate in place of whey protein.

4) It is old.  As a supplement company myself, I've been contacted numerous times from whey protein manufacturers and brokers trying to sell me "old" whey protein.  Obviously, this whey protein is cheaper than market prices because it is about to go bad.  That does not stop supplement companies from buying it and using it in their cheap whey protein powder.

5)  It was an error.  A lot of times the contract packagers that blend up and flavor and package supplement companies cheap whey protein powders make mistakes and mis-blend whey protein.  Thus instead of throwing out the whole batch, and we are talking thousands of pounds, they will call up the company whom they are making it for and offer it to them at a discount.  The supplement company gladly takes it because they know that NOBODY lab tests protein powders.  Thus the supplement company expands their profit, even though they just discounted it to you, and you get short-changed protein grams.

6) The cheap whey protein contains microbials at high levels.  Microbials are nasty and dirty things like e.coli, listeria, and APC count.  When a contract packager makes a supplement companies protein, they typically will conduct lab tests to make sure it does not contain dangerous and harmful bacteria.  All supplement companies are supposed to have standards in place that if these tests reveal levels that exceed these standards, they are supposed to not sell the whey protein.  However, instead of doing this, the supplement company will take the "bride" from the contract packager and package up the protein anyway.  What does this mean for you?   Well in all actuality it means your drinking more disgusting stuff with the possibility of getting sick.

7)  The supplement company no longer exists.  Distributors will sometimes have a fire sale on cheap whey protein because the supplement company who's name is in the bottle is no longer in business.  BAD SIGN!!  However, the distributor is stuck with it and simply wants to cut his losses and pawn it off on you.  Don't be duped into this; there is a reason the supplement company went out of business.

In conclusion, cheap whey protein is a bad idea.  You cannot trust any supplement companies when it comes to their supplements, especially whey protein.  I have been manufacturing whey protein for almost 20 years, and I have seen it all.  Even the biggest of the big supplement companies are involved in ripping you off.  Make sure you read my protein buyers resource manual that will give you more in-depth information on how to buy protein powders.

You never want to buy whey protein powders that are offered at a discount.  You'll surely be getting ripped off one way or another.  And to save  $10 or $20 is just not worth it.  You'll be thinking you're getting 30 grams of protein when all along you're getting 15 grams.  Stick with high-quality protein powders like the ones that I sell here on my site.